- Chemical services can have varying results based on your individual hair
- We are unable to carry out any colour service without a skin test being performed at least 48hours prior to appointment, and in some cases, a strand test must be performed to checkhow hair responds to the chemical process required this will be advised by the colourist.
- It is vital that we are aware of previous chemical processes performed on your hair as it ispossible for chemical reactions to occur which can cause irreparable damage to the hair
- If there is previous home colour on your hair, darkest brown to black, due to the nature ofthese pigments it may not be possible to remove these from the hair and therefore yourdesired result may not be attainable in one or two sessions
- It is important for you to understand that the health of your hair is our number one priority, if you are advised against a chemical service it is only to protect the health of your hair
- Extreme changes in colour, i.e. black to blonde WILL put your hair into a sensitised state, hairmay feel drier and will need more thorough home care, particularly during the first three weeks, to ensure it retains moisture and the internal hair structure can recover. If this is a service you choose to have, we strongly advise that you leave your hair without washing for 7 days following your service, and when refreshing, ensure to apply a deep conditioner, in place of a less intense leave-in, through the mid lengths and ends of your hair
- Any big colour change, i.e. dark to light, CAN affect your curl pattern, if we believe your curl pattern may be compromised it is probable that we will advise you against such a big service, in order to ensure your curls are maintained, healthy and happy!
- If at any point following your service you have concerns or queries, do get in touch and we can advise on next steps
- Sun exposure, cleansing, heat styling and products will all have an effect on your colour, we will advise you on an individual aftercare at your appointment, it is then your responsibility to follow our advice, fading is expected in colour and this is not something we have control over, the advice we give will help your colour last as long as possible
- Even permanent colour isn’t “permanent” hair growth, sun exposure, heat styling and products will cause even a permanent colour to fade and lighten somewhat
- Any inspiration photo is for reference only, application, placement and tone will differ slightly due to your own hairs’ capabilities, current state, history, undertones and your home care routine
- Whilst we make every effort to ensure no damage occurs, Spring can take no responsibility for any colour-related damage to your personal property, we would recommend that you wear older clothing for your colour service.
We want the best for your hair!
In agreeing to submit a Colour Consultation, you agree that you have given your stylist your full hair history in order to assist them in their assessment of your hair’s current state and to ensure the correct service is chosen for you to be able to achieve your desired result. You understand the importance of this information and that withholding information regarding pervious chemical services will increase your chances of damage and the potential for unpredictable chemical reactions. Chemical processes may cause some damage to the integrity of your hair. Your stylist will advise you of a suitable home care routine to improve the health of your hair and to maintain your colour at home. You know that your stylist has the training and knowledge to perform the service you have requested and that they will do their utmost to create the best result for yourself and your hair, you therefore will not hold Spring or your colour technician liable for unexpected or undesired results.